unnamed unnamed (1)   

Everyone. Everyone. Listen.


Ladies and gentlemen. Handsome girls and pretty boys. haha


when I arrived in bsec , I met many friends , maybe everyone has a different purpose and dream, but the fate let us met in here. Then today I am leaving here , big thanks, thanks bsec for giving me pretty good  memories that Iwill treasure in my heart forever , I will never ever forget everything we've been through and everyone whom I know, I wish you could feel happy guys, right here right now.  From the start until now, I learned a lot of things in here, in BSEC. every day is happy, more than unhappy, I know when I leave, I will feel sad because I can't live without you, so you are the important people in my life, I know today it's my last day in here, actually I didn't hope this day would arrive, but this is a process that we have to go through, so I cherish everyday to live with you, guess what, I'm really lucky because I met everybody , however classmates or teachers, you are my friends , I WISH someday when I come back or meet you , you can still remember “my name is EASON”for everyone in BSEC. Farewell my friends and may the odds be ever in your favor.





從開始到現在,我在這裡學到了很多,在BSEC每一天都是快樂的多過於不開心,我知道當我離開的時候,我會感到很傷心,因為沒有你們我不知道怎麼生活,所以你們每一個人在我的生命中都是很重要的,我知道今天是我最後一天,我也不希望這一天的到來,但是這是人生的一個過程,是我們每一個人必須要經歷了,所以我很珍惜與你們相處的每一天,知道嗎,我真的很幸運,因為 我認識了你們,無論如何,同學們,老師們,你們永遠是我的朋友,我希望有一天我回來的時候或是哪天我們相遇你們始終可以記得我  我的名字叫做EASON  給BSEC的每一個人


祝 我的朋友們 祝 你們好運


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